Cut - Marc Raabe
"Cut" by Marc Raabe is a psychological thriller that follows Gabriel, a successful TV producer haunted by traumatic childhood memories. When his girlfriend, Liz, disappears under mysterious circumstances, Gabriel is thrust into a dark and dangerous journey to find her. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers disturbing secrets and encounters a shadowy antagonist tied to his past. The novel intertwines Gabriel's current predicament with flashbacks to his childhood, revealing how his buried memories hold the key to the present danger. "Cut" is a gripping tale of suspense, trauma, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
Tropes: Amnesiac Hero - Psychological Thriller - Dark Past - Secrets and Lies - Race against Time
"Cut" by Marc Raabe is a psychological thriller that follows Gabriel, a successful TV producer haunted by traumatic childhood memories. When his girlfriend, Liz, disappears under mysterious circumstances, Gabriel is thrust into a dark and dangerous journey to find her. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers disturbing secrets and encounters a shadowy antagonist tied to his past. The novel intertwines Gabriel's current predicament with flashbacks to his childhood, revealing how his buried memories hold the key to the present danger. "Cut" is a gripping tale of suspense, trauma, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
Tropes: Amnesiac Hero - Psychological Thriller - Dark Past - Secrets and Lies - Race against Time
"Cut" by Marc Raabe is a psychological thriller that follows Gabriel, a successful TV producer haunted by traumatic childhood memories. When his girlfriend, Liz, disappears under mysterious circumstances, Gabriel is thrust into a dark and dangerous journey to find her. As he delves deeper into the investigation, he uncovers disturbing secrets and encounters a shadowy antagonist tied to his past. The novel intertwines Gabriel's current predicament with flashbacks to his childhood, revealing how his buried memories hold the key to the present danger. "Cut" is a gripping tale of suspense, trauma, and the relentless pursuit of truth.
Tropes: Amnesiac Hero - Psychological Thriller - Dark Past - Secrets and Lies - Race against Time
ISBN: 9781786580078