The Island - Adrian McKinty
"The Island" by Adrian McKinty is a thriller about Heather Baxter, her husband Tom, and his two children, who find themselves trapped on a remote Australian island. While vacationing, they accidentally cause a death, provoking the island's hostile owners, the O'Neill family. The Baxters must escape the vengeful locals, with Heather stepping up to protect her family in a desperate fight for survival. The novel explores themes of survival and family dynamics under extreme pressure.
Tropes: Survival Thriller - Hostile Natives - Isolation - Reluctant Hero - Fight for Survival
"The Island" by Adrian McKinty is a thriller about Heather Baxter, her husband Tom, and his two children, who find themselves trapped on a remote Australian island. While vacationing, they accidentally cause a death, provoking the island's hostile owners, the O'Neill family. The Baxters must escape the vengeful locals, with Heather stepping up to protect her family in a desperate fight for survival. The novel explores themes of survival and family dynamics under extreme pressure.
Tropes: Survival Thriller - Hostile Natives - Isolation - Reluctant Hero - Fight for Survival
"The Island" by Adrian McKinty is a thriller about Heather Baxter, her husband Tom, and his two children, who find themselves trapped on a remote Australian island. While vacationing, they accidentally cause a death, provoking the island's hostile owners, the O'Neill family. The Baxters must escape the vengeful locals, with Heather stepping up to protect her family in a desperate fight for survival. The novel explores themes of survival and family dynamics under extreme pressure.
Tropes: Survival Thriller - Hostile Natives - Isolation - Reluctant Hero - Fight for Survival
ISBN: 9781409189657